Pet Friendly Holidays Northumberland
Self-Catering Cottages. Fantastic coastal and country walks locally. Maintained to make sure your holiday is relaxing and enjoyable. Everything is included to make it home from home with parking available. Haven cottages is a family owned business providing holidays in Northumberland.
Best Features: pets go Free | Enclosed garden | WiFi | Open Fire
dogs friendly, .
Self-catering cottages, dogs welcome, horse, cats & small caged animals. Lots of walks direct from the door; fishing, golf, horse riding available locally. Plenty for children to do. Pets welcome
Tel: 0191 2811900
Dog friendly Self-Catering cottages near Haltwhistle. Located on a farm in the Northumberland National Park near Hadrian's Wall. Set on a small farm within 180 acres
dogs welcome, horse, cats & small caged animals
Tel: 01434 344470
B&B, Pets welcome, dogs & cats allowed. Family run bed and breakfast in riverside location, scenic views
Self-catering cottages throughout the UK. A great selection of canine friendly cottages in some of the most popular holiday destinations throughout the UK. From luxury riverside apartments, rural country cottages, the perfect holiday for you and your dog. Wish to bring your pets or just fancy a week away with the family then look no further.
dog friendly
up to depending on property